Structural and tectonic evolution of the Ross Sea rift in the
Cape Colbeck region, eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica
The far eastern continental shelf of the
Ross Sea, Antarctica, has been relatively unexplored
up to now. This region and western Marie Byrd
Land are at the eastern limit of the Ross Sea rift, part
of the West Antarctic rift system, one of the larger
regions of extended crust in the world. The Ross
Sea continental shelf west of Cape Colbeck and the
Edward VII Peninsula in western Marie Byrd Land
was investigated using marine geophysics during
cruise 9601 of the research vessel ice breaker
Nathaniel B. Palmer. The purpose was to determine
the structural framework and tectonic history of the
eastern border of the Ross Sea rift and to integrate
this with what is known about western Marie Byrd
Land. The region mapped is characterized by a
passive margin with a flat overdeepened shelf cut by
the north trending Colbeck Trough, an erosional
feature formed in Miocene and later time by glacial
downcutting that followed the locations of existing
basement structures. Seismic sequences and
unconformities identified in the Ross Sea were
correlated into the Colbeck shelf area. The section
comprises mostly undeformed glacial marine
sequences of late Oligocene and younger age that
are unconformably overlying late Early to Late
Cretaceous and minor early Tertiary (?) faulted
sequences. This unconformity is identified as
RSU6, mapped elsewhere in the eastern Ross Sea.
Two units are found below RSU6, each separated by
an unconformity that is here named RSU7. These
sequences fill north trending half grabens in the
faulted basement and are interpreted as syn rift units.
Unconformity RSU7 is correlated to the West
Antarctic Erosion Surface mapped onshore in
western Marie Byrd Land. The lack of thick early
Tertiary sediments on the shelf suggests significant
vertical tectonics. This onshore and offshore region
was widely faulted in late Early and Late Cretaceous
time, was high above sea level and was beveled by
prolonged erosion, while subsiding steadily in Late
Cretaceous and Cenozoic time. Subsidence was
largely due to lithosphere cooling amplified later by
glacial and sediment loading in Cenozoic time.
Mylonites that have late Early Cretaceous cooling
ages were dredged from the southeast wall of the
Colbeck Trough. This finding and normal faults that
we mapped in the eastern Ross Sea we attribute to
detachment-style extension in late Early Cretaceous
time. This extension was directed subparallel to the
trend of the present margin edge and occurred prior
to the rifting of Campbell Plateau from Marie Byrd
Land at ~79 Ma. Cooling events onshore western
Marie Byrd Land suggest the main extension began
at ~105 Ma. This is also the time of transition from
subduction to extension elsewhere along the ancient
Gondwana margin. Minor west tilting of the shelf
during the late Cenozoic was the result of continued
subsidence of the continental shelf along with
possible uplift of western Marie Byrd Land
associated with the Marie Byrd Land dome to the
east. Early Tertiary extension in the western Ross
Sea rift is not strongly reflected in the east side of
the rift. A more robust correlation of the events here
with the better known tectonic history on the west
side of the Ross Sea rift awaits sampling and dating
of the units we mapped on the Colbeck shelf.