The 1978 Santa Barbara Earthquake: In Brief Then, on August 13, 1978, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, the earth shifted abruptly underneath the channel causing a M 5.2 earthquake. The initial rupture started on an offshore fault, south of the city of Santa Barbara, at a depth of about 9 kilometers (5.5 miles). The earthquake then ruptured northwestward, focusing its energy toward Goleta, where the most intense ground motion was between Turnpike Road and Winchester Canyon Road, an area that includes the University of California, Santa Barbara. A strong-motion seismograph on the UCSB campus recorded an acceleration of 0.45 times that of gravity. Another seismograph, located at the top of North Hall, recorded an acceleration of 0.94 times that of gravity. One-third of the books at the UCSB library--some 400,000 volumes--were thrown to the floor. Total damage at UCSB was over $5.5 million. Elsewhere in Goleta, store goods were thrown to the ground, windows of businesses and residences were shattered, the Santa Barbara airport terminal was left leaning, dozens of mobile homes were thrown from their supports, and a landslide blocked San Marcos Pass. Ten minutes after the earthquake a freight train heading through Goleta derailed at a kink in the tracks. Sixty-five people were treated for injuries at local hospitals. No deaths
occurred, but had classes been in session at UCSB, it is almost
certain that many more serious injuries would have resulted. Images