Response Software
This is a rough description of the software components involved in the
SCEC PBIC response calibration calculation stream. The table assembly
for response is the most tricky and complicated part. The naming
conventions of the input files are critical if the user wants the final
PostScript files to be useful. The naming convention provides two
things: information used in the response PostScript display and a builtin
cataloging system (the filename provides info about date, sensor and location).
This file stresses the relationship between the components. It is
not neccesarily the best description provided for the software.
input - reftek disk
output - raw reftek file
operations - reads data on reftek disk and saves it on unix filesystem.
input - raw reftek input file
output - printouts of response calibration sheets
description - GUI based tool to manage/automate the response/calibration
stream. This will be the standard starting point once the raw reftek
file is obtained.
input - tables files, sac cal files, sac model files
output - PostScript files, final response tables
operations - Takes input tables and assembles them into one master table.
This is done by starting with very specific criteria and gradually relaxing
it to fill in the master table. So order of input tables matters.
Table order should start with the "table" file produced by id.csh.
That table is used as the starting point since it has a field for the incoming
filenames. Subsequent tables should start with the most general files
(generic manufacturer data, etc...) and proceed to the more specific tables
(tables with info specific to a given sensor, maybe accurate measurements
of mass weight or coil resistance). In this way the table is filled
in so that hopefully all the fields required for the response calculations
have values assigned. Once the table is assembled, response attempts
to calculate the response characteristics using all the info provided by
the table.
input - segy files
output - sac files in a newly created subdir "sac"
common usage - segy2sac -d sac *.segy
operations - Converts segy files to sac files. Sac filenames are
based on entire segy filename with a ".sac" appended. Segy filenames
should be in correct name format before running.
input - sac files with response naming convention
output -
data table - parameters used to produce the best fit model are saved in
model files - same as input name with ".idmod" appended. This is
the best fit synthetic response model found by llnlid
log files - same as input name with ".idlog" appended.
overall log file
operations - on each file does the following:
gets sample rate information from sac file to calculate input filter requested
by llnlid
runs respest to get rough parameters to use as a starting point for llnlid
runs llnlid which attempts to find a best fit synthetic model
saves last synthetic model used.
saves output from llnlid in
input - environment variable PASSCAL needs to be set to point to passcal
release dir
output - GUI tools use pdbwish95 as their executable. Output is a
new GUI tool. You will not run this directly.
description - Passcal modified version of Tcl/Tk executable. Uses
the environment variable "PASSCAL" as relative path for finding the tcl/tk
libraries (included in the passcal release). An example of setting
this environment variable: "setenv PASSCAL /local/passcal/passcal1.9".
input - segy or sac files
output - XView window based tool for imaging seismic data files (in this
case, calibration data).
description - GUI to view calibration data.
input - segy files under passcal naming conventions. User enters information
into a gui based form.
output - csh "lnlist" that will symbolically link segy file names to new
names with correct naming format for response processing.
operations - GUI for creating filename mapping. This was done as
a way to minimize the amount of duplicated information. Help menu
available inside GUI for additional info. Works best if entire set
to be processed is as similar as possible (ie: same model, same owner,
same prefix etc...).
input - raw reftek data file
output - segy files named with passcal naming conventions
description - GUI for dumpfl csh above. This is called from rp.tcl.
input - none (new table) or existing tab delimited data table
output - tab delimited data table with headers
description - GUI to help create and/or update tab separated table data
for response software. Called from rp.tcl
input - psfile
output - pageview or ghostview Xwindow display of psfile
operations - GUI for previewing the finished PostScript files produced
by response.
input - user entered parameters
output - log file of fitting process with final parameters at bottom
operations - This is the core of the response processing system.
This is the program that does the fitting and produces the parameters.
For doing any significant number of calibrations, the software is cumbersome
to use. It prompts user for several pieces of information that are
to be entered by hand. id.csh is wrapper to run this and automatically
enter the info requested by llnlid.
input - raw reftek file
output - segy files
common usage - dumpfl -mv -file -rm raw_reftek_file
operations - Creates a new subdirectory named using input filename's prefix.
Runs ref2segy to convert raw data file to segy files in the new subdir.
Files are moved from date based subdirs to the newly created subdir.
Raw data file is copied into the newly created subdir as well.