Digital data acquisition systems are becoming more prevalent on networks. These network stations are occasionally being used now to record calibration pulses for later processing. This is a wonderful use of modern technology and running calibrations on the network sensors will benefit the users of the network data. Also, sometimes people convert data to formats other than segy or from data acquisition systems other than Refteks. The files may be processed at a lab in another format before they are finally ready for response analysis.
Data needs to be of adequate resolution ( >100 sps ) and have a good signal to noise ratio. If already converted to sac format, the sac files must be in volts not counts.
You only need to use or understand this document if you are trying to process response pulses that have been acquired outside of the normal response stream. The files will probably be in sac format (segy format files require some slightly different steps, but will be able to utilize more of the response tools developed). Users who just want to understand more about the response software and its organization may chose to read it as well.
Midstream processing involves a bit of prep work before the response processing software can be used to continue the process. The user should already be familiar with the relationships of the different response software components. The naming conventions and directory hierarchy are described next in this document.
The naming conventions were established for several reasons. Each component of the filename is a piece of information required for the final printout. Combined, the components create a unique filename that provides a great deal of information about the cal signal.
The following filename components will be separated by a period (".").
The response processing tool rp.tcl must be run from what we will call datadir. caldir will refer to the directory in datadir that contains the calibration pulses, sacdir subdirectory and some of the list files for that particular set of calibrations. Typically a new caldir will be produced for every set of calibrations. I like to name them for the day that they were recorded starting with the year first. This keeps them in order during an ls (ie: 990714) (this y2k naming glitch here shouldn't cause too many problems :-)). I usually append a single character "a,b,c" if there are multiple caldirs for a single day. There will be a sacdir subdirectory inside of caldir. The sacdir must be named "sac". The files lnlist, ordered_list and cmp_data_model_list will all be in caldir as well. The sac files, user entered tables, model files, and results files will all be in the sacdir.
The following is an example of the directory hierarchy for a midstream
processing of a single vertical channel where positive and negative
pulses were recorded:
datadir datadir/990714 datadir/990714/ordered_list datadir/990714/lnlist datadir/990714/cmp_data_model_list datadir/990714/990710.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.P.sac datadir/990714/990710.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.N.sac datadir/990714/sac datadir/990714/sac/postest datadir/990714/sac/id.csh.log datadir/990714/sac/table datadir/990714/sac/table1 datadir/990714/sac/tablist datadir/990714/sac/response_info datadir/990714/sac/990710.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.N.sac datadir/990714/sac/990710.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.N.sac.idmod datadir/990714/sac/990710.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.N.sac.idlog datadir/990714/sac/ datadir/990714/sac/990710.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.P.sac datadir/990714/sac/990710.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.P.sac.idmod datadir/990714/sac/990710.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.P.sac.idlog datadir/990714/sac/
This section describes the files that are required before any processing can be done. These are all files that are normally created by during the first few steps of the response processing.
The first such file is caldir/lnlist. This file just needs to exist. In normal processing it is created by the respname software program and is just a cshell that moves or links the original segy filenames to filenames that adhere to the response naming convention. The files existence is all that is checked on by the remainder of the response software (You may want to use this file to rename your own files).
The next file is caldir/ordered_list. This file should contain a
list of the sac filenames in the order that they are to be processed.
This file exists to avoid filename ordering problems as the files
are fed into programs via shell expansions (wildcard globbing).
Typically there will be notes accompanying the response files that have
required information (Iext, Rmeas, etc...). Since the notes are typically
taken in some sort of order, datadir/ordered_list should follow the
order of the notes, so that data entry is made much easier. If you dont
care about the order, you can just create the list by issuing the following unix
ls *.sac > ordered_list
The next file is caldir/cmp_data_model_list. This file is used
as input to xqr after id.csh has been run. It is used to compare the
clipped sac file to the final fit modeled by the llnlid program. This
file is produced at the same time as ordered_list. This may be
changed soon so that it is done automatically at a later processing
stage from ordered_list. The file may be produced with the following unix command:
awk '{ printf("%s\n%s.idmod\n",$1}' < ordered_list > cmp_data_model_list
The following are examples of the different files that you will have to prepare:
mv mus3 990714.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.N.sac mv mus3 990714.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.P.sac
ln -s 960208.LAB.SCEC.L4C3D.1316.L.N ln -s 960208.LAB.SCEC.L4C3D.1316.T.P ln -s 960208.LAB.SCEC.L4C3D.1316.T.N
990714.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.N.sac 990714.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.P.sac
990714.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.N.sac 990714.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.N.sac.idmod 990714.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.P.sac 990714.MUS3.PSCL.L22.0000.V.P.sac.idmod
From here you should be able to pick up in the normal processing stream. Go to the datadir and run rp.tcl. Select your newly created caldir and start processing. If all has been done correctly, the first checkbox selected will be "View raw data files". Read the Response FAQ document for any additional questions.